Lots to think about here! And thanks as ever Martin for posing the questions so accurately. I liked the change in the fast stream to cross-Department experience, but of course the impact of that is weakened in a system which remains aggressively siloe-ed, especially in the policy field. Meanwhile the fast streams whose professions exist outside Whitehall face the challenge of losing too many of their talented people to other sectors. Not sure what the answer is, but I agree strongly with you that it isn't creating an elite within an elite. Rather, I'd go back to sourcing some fast streamers from non-graduates within the service.

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I've been trying to read Suzanne Heywood's "What does Jeremy Think?" which I find both pedantic and too personal (who really wants to know about her treatment for infertility?). She was apparently selected by JH as part of the "fast stream" in 1994 before moving on to higher things at McKinsey. Says it all!

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Lease lose the Ukraine flag. It was a money laundering op.

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